Infrastructure for the
Next Frontier:
Presenting the ROAD MAP for
Nanotechnology Industry
Focusing on the converging of Nano-Bio-Info technologies
Presenting the
state-of-the-art Scientific and Technological advancement
Highlight a wide
spectrum of its applications: from electronics to chemical
industry, from semiconductor to aerospace, from automotive
to textile, from chemical to biotechnology industry.
Working groups
and forum on developing Nomenclature and Standards
Working groups
and forum on Nano Toxicology
Working groups and forum on Education and Training
Investment Forum
for Emerging Nanotech Companies
Discussion Forum
on Ethics, Social, Environmental and Health Safety
Open Public
Forum and Debate on Nano Economy

The ICNT 2005 features several international symposia:
International Symposium on Nanomaterials and
International Symposium on Nanoelectronics and
International Symposium on Bionanotechnology and
International Symposium on Nomenclature & Standards in
International Symposium on Ethics, Societal, Environmental and
Legal Implications of Nanotechnology.
addition, ICNT presents the following forums:
Fabio Pichierri, Professor, 21st century Center of
Excellence, Tohoku
University, Sendai, JAPAN
Nigel M. de S. Cameron, Research Professor,
Chicago-Kent College of Law, Director of Institute on
Biotechnology and the Human Future , Illinois Institute of
Technology, Illinois, USA
Lloyd Leighton Tran,
Chairman of Neurobiomed, Inc, California, USA; President of the
International Association of Nanotechnology, Program Chair
of the ICNT 200
SPEAKERS (in alphabetical order)
We are pleased to congratulate the following speakers
with abstracts being accepted for presentation at the
ICNT 2005, as of July 12, 2005. Additional speakers
will be posted online over the next couple of weeks.
List of keynote speakers and plenary lectures will be
posted at a later date.
If you have already submitted an abstract and have not
heard from us or see your name listed below, please
kindly contact the Program Coordinator at
Thanks for your patience and understanding.
We are now
coordinating the speaking schedules for more than 100
speakers from 33 countries. The Program Schedule will
be announced shortly.
Samuel B.
Adeloju and Alexander N. Moline
Water and Sensor Research Group, School of Applied Sciences
and Engineering,Monash University, Peninsula and Gippsland
Campuses, Victoria 3842, AUSTRALIA.
Polypyrrole-GOx/Poly-ortho-phenylenediamine Bilayer
Biosensor for Potentiometric and Amperometric Detection of
Glucose" |
Arakawa, M. Maeda, S. Suzuki, M.Kamahori, Hideki Kambara
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University, Tokyo
142-8555, JAPAN.
Research & Development Division, Kikkoman Corporation, Chiba
278-0037, JAPAN.
Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd, Tokyo 185-8601,
"Development of novel bioluminescent pyrophosphate assay and
its application to SNPs analysis"
Lloyd Lee,
Julia Mullen,
Henry Neeman, Jorge Arias, Gerard K. Newman
University of Oklahoma, Chemical Engineering & Materials
University of Oklahoma, Computer Science
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, OK, USA
"Integration of High Performance Computing in
Combined Research-Curriculum Development [CRCD]Program”
Assoufid, T.F. George, G.A. Mansoori and G. Zhang
Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue,
Argonne, IL 60439, USA
University of Missouri-St. Louis, One University Boulevard,
St. Louis, MO 63121, USA
University of Illinois at Chicago, 810 South Clinton Street,
Chicago, IL 60607, USA
Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809
"Diamondoids as Molecular Building Blocks for
Nanotechnology" |
Gustavo A.
Aucar, Patricio F. Provasi, Marina Sanchez, Stephan
P. Sauer |
Physics, Northeastern University, Corrientes, ARGENTINA |
Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, DENMARK |
analysis of measurable NMR spectroscopic parameters in
medium size acyclic hydrocarbons and H-bonded aminoacids" |
Bahattin M.Baysal,
Alexandra Porjazoska, Oksan Karal-Yilmaz, Nilhan
Kayaman-Apohan, Kemal Baysal, Maja Cvetkovska
Dept. of Chemical Engineering,
Bogazici University, Istabul, TURKEY
"Biodegradable Copolymers
for Tissue Engineering : Preparation, Characterization and
Cell Growth" |
Deb Bennett-Woods |
University, Rueckert-Hartman School for Health Professions,
Department of Health Care Ethics,
Colorado 80221 USA
Practical Framework for the Pragmatic Integration of Ethical
and Social Considerations into Funding Proposals for
Emerging Technologies" |
B. Pegaz, E. Debefve,
J. P. Ballini, H. van den Bergh. Y. Konan |
Chemin des Alambics, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND
"Effects of Photosensitizers Nanoencapsulation and of the
Size of the Nanoparticles on Photothrombic Activity for the
Treatment of Choroidal Neovascularisation by Photodynamic
H. S. Bhatti, Rajesh Sharma, N. K.Verma, K.
Manzoor, S. R. Vadera and N. Kumar
Department of Physics, Punjabi University, Patiala, India.
Institute of Engineering and Emerging Technologies, Baddi,
SPMS, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Patiala, India.
Defence laboratory, Jodhpur, India.
"Lifetime Shortening in ZnS:Mn Nanophosphors using
Quencher Impurity" |
"Zinc Oxide Nanostructures:
An Idealistic Approach to Sensors, phosphors and
Optoelectronics" |
Knut Blind
Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research
Karlsruhe, GERMANY
"Standards for
Nanotechnology: Future Demand" |
L.V. Bochkaryova, M.V. Kireitseu,
V.L. Kompis and H. Altenbach
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk 223052,
Department of Mechanics, University of Zilina, SKOVAKIA
Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Martin-Luther-Universitet
Halle-Wittenberg, GERMANY
"Multiscale Computational Simulation and Workbench Tools
Modelling of CNT-reinforced Composite Materials" |
Matteo Bogana and Luciano Colombo
Enrico Fermi Nuclear Engineering Department, NEMAS,
Polytechnic of Milan, Milano, ITALY
SLACS and DEMOCRITOS (INFM-CNR) and Department of Physics,
University of Cagliari, Cittadella, Monserrato (Ca), ITALY
"Carbon Fullerenes and Beyond:a path toward novel
carbon-cluster structures" |
B. B. Bokhonov, M.A. Korchagin
Institute of Solid State Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Kutateladze 18, RUSSIA
"Application high energy ball milling and low temperatite
annialing for preparation of encapsulated nanoparticles" |
Eric M. Brown
Graduate School of Public Affairs, University of Colorado,
Breckenridge, CO, USA
"Nanotechnology Based Water Treatment Technology as a
Mechanism for Creating Policy Networks" |
Valentin A. Chanturiya and Igor J. Bunin
Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral
Resources (IPKON RAS), Russian Academy of Sciences, 4
Kryukovsky Tupik, Moscow, Russia
"Nanosecond Pulsed Power Technologies For Disintegration
And Breaking-Up Of Fine Disseminated Mineral Complexes" |
J.J. Carvajal, C.J. Wu, N. M. Gomez,
J.C. Rojo
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY, USA
"Controling GaN nanostructure morphologies via substrate
engineering" |
Hak-Kim Chan
Faculty of Pharmacy, The
University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, AUSTRALIA
"Synthesis of nano-pharmaceuticals by liquid impinging
jets" |
Jing Hu, Irene M .C. Lo and Guohua Chen
Environmental Engineering Program, School of Engineering,
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water
Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
"Effect of Metal-doping of Nanoscale Maghemite on Cr(VI)
Adsorption and Nanoparticle Dissolution" |
Andrew J Cook
Agribusiness and Economic Research Unit, Commerce Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury, NEW ZEALAND
Social issues and implications" |
Mary Jane
Houston Advanced Research Center
The Woodlands, TX, USA
"A Systems Biology Approach to the Toxicity Assessment of
Nano-sized Materials." |
O.N. Efimov, A.A.Volodin, P.V.Fursikov,
B.P Tarasov, I.I.Khodos, A.A.Pasynsky, A.P.Moravsky
Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS
Chernogolovka, RUSSIA
"The Fe-Mo cluster as a catalyst for synthesis of carbon
bamboo- like nanofibers" |
Zahi Fayad
Imaging Science Laboratories
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA
a topic about Nanomedicine (TBD) |
Yatendra S. Chaudhary
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, INDIA
a topic about synthesis of
nanomaterials |
Nandita Das
College of Pharmacy,
Butler University
Indianapolis, IN, USA
"Delivery of pharmaceuticals to cells and tissues using
nanoparticles" |
Silvana Fiorito,
A.Serafino, F.Andreola
Lab. des Colloides, Verres et Nanomateriaux
University Montpellier II, Montpellier, FRANCE
"Carbon nanoparticle toxicity versus human macrophage
Torsten Fleischer, Peter Hocke, Armin Grunwald
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH
"Nano Technology Assessment: Exploring Potentials of
Nanotechnologies, Avoiding Pitfalls of Ignored Risk
Perception" |
Domínguez Chavez J.G., Gutiérrez Nava M., Martínez
García M.
Instituto de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
México. Cd. Universitaria, Coyoacán, MEXICO
Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria.
Circuito exterior, MEXICO |
"Synthesis of Allyl-bearing Dendrimers with a Resorcinarene
Core and their Supramolecular Complexes with Fullerene C60" |
A.M. Gatti and S. Montanari
Laboratory of Biomaterials – University of Modena and Reggio
Emilia – Via Campi, Modena - ITALY
Nanodiagnostics srl – Via E. Fermi, 1/L – 41057 San Vito (Modena)
"Nanosafety in nanotechnologies" |
M.K. Gilmanov & S.M.
M.A. Aytkhozhin’s Institute of
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Almaty, Kazakhstan
"The new nanocapsules - "Universaldeliverycarrier" for
medicinal, biological and gene engineering applications" |
László Guczi,
A. Beck and K. Frey
Chemical Research Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Isotopes, Budapest, HUNGARY
"Nano structured Interfaces between Gold Nanoparticles
and Oxide and its Role in Selective CO oxidation"
David Guston
Dept of Political Science, Consortium for Science, Policy
and Outcomes, University of Arizona
“NSEC: Center For Nanotechnology In Society At Arizona State
University” |
James Highfield, Yook Si Loo, Ziyi
Zhong & Ruijiang Li
Institute of Chemical & Engineering
Sciences, Applied Catalysis Technologies, Jurong Island,
"Carbon Nanofibre Growth from Low Temperature Methane
Decompo-sition over Skeletal Transition Metal Catalysts" |
Kenji Hirose and Nobuhiko Kobayashi
Fundamental Research Laboratories,
NEC Corporation
Tsukuba, Ibaraki, JAPAN
"Contact effects on transport properties of single
molecules between metallic electrodes: ab initio calculation
study" |
Truell W. Hyde, Bernard Smith, Ke Qiao, Jie Kong,
Lorin Matthews
Center for Astrophysics, Space Physics and Engineering
Baylor University, One Bear Place #97310, Waco, Texas 76798
"Meso- and Nanoscale Structures in Complex Plasmas" |
Tadashi Itoh,
Hisazumi Akai, Hisahito Ogawa, Dino Wilson Agerico Tan and
Satoshi Ichikawa
Organization for the
Promotion of Research on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,
Graduate School of Engineering
Science, Osaka University,
Osaka, JAPAN
"The Graduate and Recurrent Education Programs for
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology" |
Jun Jiang, Kai Liu, and Yi Luo
Theoretical Chemistry, Royal Institute of Technology,
AlbaNova, Stockholm, SWEDEN
"Elongation method for First-principles study of nano-scale
molecular and biological systems" |
M.A. Jothirajan
School of Physics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai,
And Social Implications Of Nanoscience and Technology" |
M.V. Kireitseu, G.R. Tomlinson, R.A. Williams and
L. Bochkareva
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Lesnoe 19 – 62,
Rolls-Royce UTC and Dynamics Group, the University of
Sheffield, UK ;
Institute for Particle Science & Engineering, the University
of Leeds, UK
"Next generation vibration damping systems: nanoparticle
reinforcement design concepts and computational modelling
tools" |
Declan Kirrane
ISC, Park
"Plans for research in Nanotechnology in the EU
2007-2013" |
Valerii M. Kobryanskii
Institute of Chemical Physics RAS
Kosygin St. 4, 117997 Moscow, RUSSIA
"Self-organization of Nanoparticles and Vibrational
Coherence in Gels and Composites of Nanopolyacetylen" |
Boris G. Konoplev , Eugeny A. Ryndin
Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering
South Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Science
Taganrog, RUSSIA
"Integrated logic elements based on rearrangement of wave
functions" |
Xuan Wu, Parveen Sachdeva and Ranganathan Kumar
Department of Mechanical Materials and Aerospace Engineering
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA
"Molecular Dynamics Simulation for the Heat Transfer
Enhancement of Silica Nanofluids" |
E.R. Kutelia, D.M. Tsivtsivadze, B.E. Kutelia
Georgian Technical University, Republic Center for Structure
Researches (RCSR)
77, Kostava Street, Tbilisi, GEORGIA
"Obtaining of the Nano-Structured Ultrathin Membrane for the
Purification of Liquid Gallium from Impurities up to 8N" |
C. Christopher Hook , Jennifer Lahl, C. Ben
The Center for Bioethics and Culture, CA, USA
"Nanotechnology and the future of medicine: a model of
healing and human flourishing" |
J.B.K. Law, K.S. Yeong, C.B. Boothroyd, J.T.L.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National
University of Singapore, 4 Engineering Drive 3, SINGAPORE.
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, 3 Research
"Directed Wiring of Zinc Oxide Nanowires" |
P.F. Lee, D.D. Sun, a and J.O Leckie
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang
Technological University, SINGAPORE
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford
University, USA
"Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-structured TiO2" |
Xiaohua Li, Jinfan Huang
Department of Chemistry, Nanjing Xiaozhuang College, P. R.
"Molecular Dynamics Studies of the Kinetics of Phase Changes
in Nanoparticles :Crystal Nucleation from Molten Fe1436 and
Fe2133 Nanoparticles" |
Ruijiang Li & James Highfield.
Process & Modeling Science, Institute
of Chemical & Engineering Sciences
Jurong Island, SINGAPORE
"Thermodynamic Modeling of Nanostructured Carbon Growth
over Transition Metal Catalysts" |
A.M. Lipanov, V.I. Kodolov, A.Yu. Bondar, A.P.
Kuznetsov, V.V. Kodolova, I.I. Blagodatskikh, N.V. Semakina
Basic Research-High Educational Center of Chemical Physics
and Mesoscopy, Udmurt Scientific Center, Russian Academy of
Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, RUSSIA
"Fundamentals Of Production Technology Of
Carbon-Metal-Containing Nanoproducts In Nanoreactors Of
Polymeric Matrixes" |
Nuo Liu, Yan-rong Li ,Yong-sheng Sun, Hong Deng,Xi
Zhou, Hai-jun Wu
School of Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics,
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,
Cheng Du, People’s Republic of CHINA
"Z-shaped Exciton Photoluminescence of ZnO Single-Crystal
Microtubes" |
Erjia Liu
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang
Technological University,
50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, SINGAPORE
"Nanoindentation of diamondlike carbon films" |
L. Y. Lo, Y. Li, C.W.
Yuen and K.W. Yeung
Institute of Textiles & Clothing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon, HONKONG, CHINA
"The Stage of Development of Nanotechnology in Textile
Industry" |
Weisheng Lin, Yue-wern
Huang, Isaac Stayton, Xiao-Dong Zhou, Paul Nam, and Yinfa
Department of Chemistry,
University of Missouri-Rolla
Rolla, MO, USA
"Cytotoxicity of Selected Metal Oxide and SiO2
Nanoparticles against Lung Cancer Cells" |
Jianyi Lin, Hui Pan,
Weizhe Chen, Han Sun, Yuanping Feng and Wei Ji
Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences, Singapore |
"Optical limiting and
hydrogen storage characterization of Cu, Cu2O and CuO
nanostructure" |
A.T. Mansharipova, S.A. Al-Suhaimi,
A.K. Zhusipov, N.A. Samenov, M.K. Gilmanov
Scientific Research Institute of
Cardiology and Internal Illnesses
"The new cardiovascular liposomal preparation based on
phosphatidylinositol" |
G.E. Marchant, K.W.
Abbott, S. Gopalan, D.Sylvester.
Arizona State
University, Temple, AZ, USA
"Models for the International Regulation of
Nanotechnology" |
C. J.G. Domínguez, N.M.
Gutiérrez, G.M. Martínez
Síntesis Orgánica,
Instituto de Química, UNAM
Circuito Exterior, Cd. Universitaria, Distrito Federal,
"Synthesis of Allyl-bearing Dendrimers with a
Resorcinarene Core and their Supramolecular Complexes with
Fullerene C60" |
T.Mathavan, M.A. Jothi Rajan, T.S.Vivekanandam,
School of Physics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai,
Department of Physics, NMSSVN College, Madurai-625 019.
School of Chemistry, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai,
And Electrical Properties Of Pma/Clay Nanocomposite" |
John McGinness , Peter Proctor , James Le Quynh,
Mike McGinness
Organic Metals, Inc., Houson, TX, USA |
topic about Nanotoxicology |
Vladimir V. Milyavskiy, Tatiana I. Borodina,
Sergey N. Sokolov, Andrey Z. Zhuk
Institute for High Energy Densities of Russian Academy of
Izhorskaya 13/19, Moscow, Russia
"Shock Behavior of C70 Fullerite" |
Vladimir V. Milyavskiy, Alexander
V. Utkin, Konstantin V. Khischenko, Vladislav V. Yakushev,
Andrey Z. Zhuk, Vladimir E. Fortov
Institute for High Energy Densities of Russian Academy of
Izhorskaya 13/19, Moscow 125412, Russia
"Shock Compression and Equation of State of
C60 Fullerite" |
Leon L. Mishnaevsky Jr.
University of Stuttgart, IMWF, Pfaffenwaldring 32,
Stuttgart, Germany, and Darmstadt University of Technology,
Institute of Mechanics IV, GERMANY
Optimization of microstructures on the basis of
biomimicking and numerical experiments |
John C. Monica, Jr. and
John C. Monica,
Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP
925 Euclid Avenue, Suite 1700, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, USA
Shook, Hardy & Bacon LLP
2555 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri 64108, USA
For Future Health Litigation:
The Application of Product Liability Law To Nanotechnology" |
J. H. Moor and J.
Department of Philosophy, Dartmouth
Thornton Hall 6035, Hanover, NH, USA
"Privacy, Control, and Nanotechnology" |
F. Moreno and F. González
Department of Applied Physics. Group of Optics.
University of Cantabria, SANTANDER (SPAIN)
"Plasmon Spectroscopy Of Metallic Nanoparticles Close To
Dielectric Substrates. Analysis Of Particle-Substrate
Interaction Effects" |
Sergio E. Moya
Dept Advanced Materials,
CIQA (Center for research in applied
chemistry), Saltillo, MEXICO
"Nanoscale locking and unlocking of
polyelectrolyte brushes for the fabrication of responsive
surfaces" |
Youngil Na, Jaehyeong Lee and Hakkee
School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Kunsan
National University, Chonbuk 573-701, KOREA
"Analysis of Tunneling-Dependent Subthreshold Operation for
Ultimate Double Gate MOSFET" |
A. Nasehzadeh, A.
G. A. Mansoori
Department of Chemistry, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman
76175, IRAN
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, 60607, USA
"Thermodynamic treatment of DNA-dendrimer nano-cluster
system" |
Ion Nemerenco, Maksim Kireitseu, Jonathan Goldman1
and Juri Istomin
Nanowater Group, New York, NY, USA,
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Lesnoe 19 – 62,
Minsk, BELARUS, Institute of Oncology and Medical Radiology.
"Natural SiO2 mineral stone (“Kremen”) and
nanotechnology-based drinking water-filtering and
purification solutions for advanced health benefits" |
Eugenia Pechkova , Valentina Grasso, Federica Valerio,
Pietro Perlo and Claudio Nicolini
Centro Ricerche FIAT, Tecnologie Innovative di Prodotto,
Strada Torino, 50, 10043 Orbassano (TO), ITALY
Nanoworld Institute and Biophysics Division, University of
Genova, Corso Europa, 30, 16132 Genova (ITALY) and
cFondazione Elba, Via delle Testuggini, Roma (ITALY)
"Nanopatterning of Anodic Porous Alumina for Proteomics and
Nanocrystallography" |
B. Pegaz, E. Debefve, J. P. Ballini,
H. van den Bergh. Y. Konan
Chemin des Alambics, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND
"Effects of Photosensitizers Nanoencapsulation and of the
Size of the Nanoparticles on Photothrombic Activity for the
Treatment of Choroidal Neovascularisation by Photodynamic
Therapy" |
C.L. Peterson
Foresight Nanotech Institute
Palo Alto, CA 94306, USA
"Maximizing Success in Public Outreach on Nanotechnology"
Pichierri |
21st century Center of Excellence, Tohoku University, 2-1-1
Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Japan
From giant
molecules to nanoparticles: on chemistry’s contribution to
nanomedicine |
Pat A. Picariello
ASTM International
100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428, USA
"Consensus Standards for Nanotechnology: ASTM International
Committee E56" |
V. Rajendran
Department of Physics, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College
Mepco Engineering College (PO) - 626 005
Virudhunagar (Dt), Tamil Nadu, India.
"Ultrasonic Applications To Nanomaterials And Its Ability
For Characterization" |
Dept. of Materials Science-Tmfy-MSE
The Royal Institute of Technology
Brinellvägen 23, Rm 226, Stockholm, SWEDEN
"The future of electronics - Spintronics?" |
Gyu Ha Ryu, Yang Ha Cho, Hye Won Roh, Hyun Soon
Jung, Na Ree Lee, Hee Chan Kim, Taek Dong Chung, Jong Won
Kim, Hai kwang Lee
Medical Device Standardization Division, Korea Food and Drug
Administration (KFDA), Seoul, SOUTH KOREA
Seoul National University Hospital, Jongnogu, Seoul,
Sungshin Women’s University, Seoul,
Samsung Medical Center, Seoul,
"Development of guidelines for nanobiosensor evaluation as
medical devices" |
Giulio Ruffini, Evangelos Bekiaris, Stella
Nikolaou, and Stephen Dunne
STARLAB, Edifici de l'Observatori Fabra, Muntanya del
Cami de l'Observatori s/n, Barcelona, SPAIN
CERTH, Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (C.E.R.T.H.)
Hellenic Institute of Transport (H.I.T.)
17, Poseidonos Ave., Alimos, Athens, GREECE
"SENSATION: advanced sensor development for attention,
vigilance and sleep/wakefulness monitoring" |
B. Mamba, R. Krause, S. Durbach, K Salipira
University of Johannesburg, Department of Advanced Chemical
Doornfontein 2028, Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA
"Polymerisation of cyclodextrins with carbon nanotubes for
use in water treatment" |
N. Samenov
M.A. Aytkhozhin’s
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
"The new liposomal drug delivery system preparation" |
Thomas Sawitowski
Nanotechnology Department
BYK-Chemie GmbH
Abelstrasse 45, 46483
"The use of Nanoadditives in plastic and coating
composites" |
L. Shi, A. Gamboa, B.
Hernandez, M. Selke
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles, CA, USA
"CdTe Quantum Dots as Photosensitizer Carriers" |
Muhammad Raza Shah, Itrat Anis, Qamar Ali,
Muhammad Adeel, Asra Mustafa, Muhammad Zahid,
Rakhshinda, Stefan Matile
H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry
Dr. Panjwani Center for Molecular Medicine and Drug Research
University of Karachi, Karachi-75270, PAKISTAN
Department of Organic chemistry University of Geneva, Geneva
"Supramolecular Approach to Nano-multifunctional Pores" |
Jadab Sharma, Kunjukrishna P. Vijayamohanan
Physical and Materials Chemistry Division,
National Chemical Laboratory, Dr. Homi Bhabha Road,
Pune-411008, INDIA
"Versatile Role of Bi/Polyfunctional Organic Molecules in
Nanoparticles Synthesis" |
Jo Anne Shatkin
The Cadmus Group, Inc. 57 Water Street, Watertown, MA 02472
"Developing a Framework for Risk-Informed Assessments of
Nanomaterials" |
Ashley J. Shew
Department of Philosophy
University of South Carolina, Greer, SC 29651
"Codifying the Ethics of Nanotechnology" |
Juwadee Shiowatana, Pranee Phukphatthanachai,
Sudarat Saeseaw, Atitaya Siripinyanond
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mahidol
University, Rama VI Rd., Bangkok, THAILAND
"Field-Flow Fractionation: A Gentle Tool for Size
Characterization of Nano-and Micro- Particles" |
Yu.M. Shulga, V.M.Martynenko, R.O.Loutfy,
Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS, Chernogolovka,
Moscow region, 142432 RUSSIA
MER Corporation, Tucson, AZ, USA
"Evolved Gas Analysis of Heat-Treated Carbon Nanomaterials" |
Inderpreet Singh
Metallurgy Department
Punjab Engineering College
House No. 4020 Sector 46-D, Chandigarh, INDIA
"Critical Analysis In Process Mechanics of Nanomaterials" |
Andrew Spowage
Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology
SIMTech, 71 Nanyang Drive, SINGAPORE
"Characterisation of Nanomaterials" |
Manabu Sugimoto
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto
Kurokami 2-39-1, Kumamoto 860-8555, JAPAN
"First-Principles Modeling of Molecular Shape in Molecular
Recognition" |
P.Suraj Thyagarajan &
G.P.Neeraj Harikrishnan
Vel Tech Engineering College, Madras, INDIA
Rajarajeswari Engineering College, Madras, INDIA
"Nanophysicians To Prevent Heart Attacks" |
I.M. Tiginyanu, E. Monaico and L. Sirbu
National Center for Materials Study and Testing, Technical
University of Moldova, Chisinau 2004, Moldova, and
Laboratory of Low Dimensional Semiconductor Structures,
Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of
Moldova, Chisinau 2028, MOLDOVA
"Development of semiconductor nanotemplates for
nanofabrication" |
C.S. Toh, L.Y. Liu and
L. He
Department of Chemistry
National University of Singapore
3 Science Drive, SINGAPORE
"Immunoglobulin-nanoporous alumina material for
analytical applications"
I.A. Timoshchenko and A.M. Ilyanok
Belarusian State University, Fr. Skarina Ave. 4, Minsk,
Consulting Center “Nanobiology”, Ltd., Filimonov Street, 69,
ap.222, Minsk, BELARUS
"Formation of nanojet of radicals for nanolithography
Francisco Torrens
Institut Universitari de Ciència Molecular, Universitat de
Dr. Moliner-50, E-46100 Burjassot (València), SPAIN
"Cluster Origin of the Solubility of Single-Wall Carbon
Nanotubes" |
Lloyd L. Tran
International Association of Nanotechnology
Sacramento, CA 95825, USA
"Nanotechnology nomenclature and standards: societal,
environmental and safety implications" |
Ching-Li Tseng, Feng-Huei Lin
Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan
No.1, Sec. 1, Ren-ai Rd., Taipei City, TAIWAN (R.O.C.)
"Gelatin nanoparticles surface modified with
Avidin-biotinylated EGF for lung cancer targeting delivery" |
R. Tyagia, N.C.Mehrab and S.Mozumdara
Department of Chemistry , University of Delhi, Delhi, INDIA
U.S.I.C., University of Delhi, Delhi, INDIA |
Nanorods Synthesis And Their Mechanism Of Formation Through
Transmission Electron Microscopy" |
Sofía Martínez Vilariño, David Hui, Leo Daniel
Composite Nanomaterials Research Laboratory, University of
New Orleans,
2000 Lakeshore Drive, New Orleans LA 70148 USA,
Of Barrier Properties Of Epoxy-Nanoclay Composites" |
N. Vigneshwaran, A.A. Kathe, , P.V. Varadarajan,
R.P. Nachane and R.H. Balasubramanya
Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology
(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Adenwala Road, Matunga, Mumbai, INDIA
"Biomimetic synthesis of silver nanoparticles using
Pleurotus species" |
Dietmar Vogel, Neus Sabate, Bernhard Wunderle,
Juergen Keller, B. Michel, H. Reichl
Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration,
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, Berlin, GERMANY
"Nanoreliability for mechanically loaded devices." |
A. Wardak, M. E.
Gorman, N. S. Swami
University of Virginia, 21100 Surrey Way, Sterling, VA, USA
"Nanomaterials and Environmental & Public Health
Regulation: An Interdisciplinary Approach" |
M. Witko
Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy
of Sciences, ul. Niezapominajek 8, 30 239 Cracow, POLAND
"Quantum chemistry as a tool to study electronic properties
of transition metal oxides" |
Gordon C. C. Yang, Chih-Hsiung Hung, Hsiao-Lan
Lee, and Ching-Shan Hsu
Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen
University, Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan
"Degradation of Nitrate in the Aqueous Solution by Nanoscale
Iron Prepared by Three Different Processes: Performance
Evaluation and Comparison" |
Yi-Yan Yang, Yong Wang, Li-Hong Liu, R. Powell,
Peggy Chan, Kumaresh Soppimath, Xuan Jiang, Shujun Gao
Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
31 Biopolis Way, The Nanos, #04-01, Singapore, SINGAPORE
"Smart Polymer Nanostructures for Targeted Drug Delivery" |
Zhiyong Zhang, Henry J. Liu, and Kyeongjae Cho
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 94305
"Ab Initio Study of Hydrogen Storage on CNT" |
You are
invited to submit your manuscript to the Proceeding to
the International Congress of Nanotechnology 2005. The
deadline for the manuscript submission is September 1,
2005. The ICNT 2005 Proceeding is scheduled to be
published in December 2005.
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open online:
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the San Francisco Airport Marriott Hotel
( a 4 start hotel) for our conference attendees at $139 (plus
tax) per day. The standard hotel rates are $179 per day. To
obtain the discount rate, please complete the
Hotel Reservation Form.
Attention: International
Travelers: Please note:
International attendees of ICNT 2005 may require
a letter of invitation from IANT in order to obtain a visa to
visit the United States. Participants requiring visas must initiate the
application process at least 3 months in advance of their departure date.
Please visit the web page on
International Travel Information.
exhibit and
please contact Evan Shubin, Director of Sales, at 916-529-4119 or
301-983-1200 or email
to eshubin@ianano.org
For information about
abstracts and
opportunity, please contact
Michael Gibson, PhD,
Program Coordinator at
mgibson@ianano.org or
Stephanie Banks, Conference
Coordinator, at
For general information,
please contact Jennifer Kandel, Customer Service
Manager at
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Members Service Representative at 916-529-4119 or
membership@ianano.org or
complete the
Contact Form and we
will reply to you as soon as possible. Thank you.
Partial List of
Presenting and participating companies at
ICNT 2004 |
Abbott Diabetes Care, Inc. CA, USA |
Access Business Group, CA, USA |
Advanced Nano Products, SOUTH .KOREA |
Advanced Nano Technology Ltd. AUSTRALIA |
Agilent Technologies, CA, USA |
Antibodies Inc., CA, USA |
ARC Seibersdorf Research GmbH, AUSTRIA |
Arizona State University, AZ, USA |
Bekey Designs, Inc., VA, USA |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA, USA |
Biometrology Contract Research, CA, USA |
Biotechnology Research Institute, CANADA |
Bradcode Limited, UK |
Brown University, RI, USA |
Burns Doane LLC, CA, USA |
CAE/Veolia Environment, France |
Canadian Consulate, CA, USA |
Carmel Medical Center, ISRAEL |
Center for Measurement Standards/ITR, TAIWANI |
Center for NanoSpace Technologies, Inc, TX, USA |
Center for Responsible Nanotechnology, NY, USA |
Centre of Clinical Medicine, CA, USA |
Centre of Expertise in Life Sciences, THE NETHERLANDS |
Chevron Texaco Molecular Diamond Tech, CA, USA |
Chung-Shan Inst. of Science & Technology, TAIWAN |
City College of San Francisco, CA, USA |
Colorado State University, CO, USA |
Cornell University, NY, USA |
CRICA, Monterey, MEXICO |
D.PC.E. University of Palermo, ITALY |
Defense Research Development of Canada, CANADA |
Department of Defense, CA, USA |
DIST Genoa University, ITALY |
Dojindo Laboratories, JAPAN |
Dojindo Molecular Technologies, MD, USA |
Electronic Engineering Times, CA, USA |
Electronic Trend Publications, CA, USA |
Emory University, GA, USA |
Eric Potter Clarkson, UK |
ETRI - Future Tech. Res. Div., SOUTH KOREA |
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, BRAZIL |
Ferro Corporation, OH, USA |
FM Technologies, Inc., VA, USA |
Fong Chia University, TAIWAN |
French Consulate of San Francisco, CA, USA |
Georgia Institute of Technology, GA, USA |
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka, JAPAN |
Greeberg Traurig, LLP, San Francisco, CA, USA |
Greenberg Traurig, LLP, Boston, MA, USA |
Gwangju Inst. of Science & Technology, SOUTH KOREA |
Hakuto California, Inc., CA, USA |
Hazard Community & Technical College, KY, USA |
Health Technology Group, CA, USA |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, MD, USA |
IBM's Almaden Research Center, CA, USA |
IEE Publishing - c/o Inspec, NJ, USA |
Illinois Institute of Technology, IL, USA |
INDA, Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, NC,
Indian Inst of Technology Kanpur, INDIA |
Indian Institute of Science, INDIA |
Indian Institute of Technology, INDIA |
Institute of Applied Mechanics, INDIA |
Institute of Biophysics of Cell of RAS, RUSSIA |
Institute of Chemical Processes, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA |
Institute of Global Futures, CA, USA |
Institute of Theoretical Physics & Astronomy, LITHUANIA |
Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, MEXICO |
Intel Corporation, CA, USA |
Iowa State University, IA, USA |
Korea Inst. of Machinery & Materials, SOUTH KOREA |
Korea Institute of Science and Technology, SOUTH KOREA |
Korea Research Institute of Chemical Tech, SOUTH KOREA |
L-3 Communications, CA, USA |
La Follette Institute of Public Affairs, WI, USA |
Lehigh University, PA, USA |
Los Alamos Laboratory, NM, USA |
Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry, GERMANY |
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, GERMANY |
Mccrevick & Associates, CA, USA |
Mediabistro, WA, USA |
Metanexus Institute, PA, USA |
Metfab Technologies, MALAYSIA |
Min, Hsieh & Hack LLP, MD, USA |
N.E.Chemcat Corporation, JAPAN |
NanoGram Corporation, CA, USA |
NanoMEMS Research, LLC, CA, USA |
Nanomix, Inc, CA, USA |
Nanotechnology Research Center, TAIWAN |
NASA Ames Research Center, CA, USA |
National Science Foundation, VA, USA |
National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE |
Natural Resources Canada, ON, CANADA |
NCD/ NanoDynamics, CA, USA |
Netherlands Office for Science & Technology, CA, USA |
News.com, CA, USA |
Nextrom, FINLAND |
National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health,
Nikkei Nano Business, CA, USA |
National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH),
Center for Disease Control, WV, USA |
Nitto Americas, CA, USA |
Nitto Denko Technical Corp, CA, USA |
Nordic Innovation Centre, NORWAY |
North Carolina State University, NC, USA |
Northeastern University, ARGENTINA |
Northrop Grumman, CA, USA |
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, USA |
PHYchip Corporation, CA, USA |
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, GERMANY |
Pohang University Science & Technology, SOUTH KOREA |
PolyInsight, LLC, OH, USA |
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, COLUMBIA |
PPG Industries, Inc., PA, USA |
Princeton University, NJ, USA |
Procter & Gamble Inc., OH, USA |
Prologue, ISRAEL |
Quantum Dot Corp, CA, USA |
Quantum Insight, CA, USA |
Research Centre Julich (ZEL), GERMANY |
Rice University, TX, USA |
Ritek, TAIWAN |
Robert Adler, CA, USA |
Roche Diagnostics GmbH, GERMANY |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY, USA |
S.E. Miller Law Firm, NY, USA |
Sandia National Laboratories, NM, USA |
School of Chemical Engineering, SOUTH KOREA |
Senator Debra Bowen, CA, USA |
Seoul National University, SOUTH KOREA |
San Francisco State University, CA, USA |
Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, CHINA |
Shell Technology Ventures, TX, USA |
Society of Manufacturing Engineering, MI, USA
Society for Biomolecular Screening, CT, USA |
State Engineering University of Armenia, ARMENIA |
State of North Carolina, NC, USA |
Steris Corporation, OH, USA |
Sungkyunkwan University, SOUTH KOREA |
Silicon Valley Technical Institute, CA, USA |
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, SWITZERLAND |
Technological Institute of Iceland, ICELAND |
Tactical Fabs Inc., CA, USA |
The Aerospace Corporation, CA, USA |
The BOC Group, NJ, USA |
The Honorable Congressman, Michael Honda, CA, USA |
The National Hispanic University, CA, USA |
The Whitaker Foundation, VA, USA |
Tohoku University, JAPAN |
Toshiba Corp. R&D Center, JAPAN |
Townsend & Townsend & Crew, CA, USA |
University of Texas Southwestern, TX, USA |
Ultradots Inc., CA, USA |
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, BRAZIL |
Universiti Teknologi Petronas, MALAYSIA |
University College of the Fraser Valley, CANADA |
University of Arkansa at Little Rock, AR, USA |
University of Calgary, CANADA |
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA |
University of California, Irvine, CA, USA |
University of California, Davis, CA, USA |
University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA |
University of California, Riverside, CA, USA |
University of California, San Diego, CA, USA |
University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA |
University of Incheon, SOUTH KOREA |
University of New Mexico, NM, USA |
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK |
University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA |
University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA |
University of South Carolina, SC, USA |
University of Southern Denmark, DENMARK |
University of Virginia, VA, USA |
University of Washington, WA, USA |
US Department of Energy, CA, USA |
VentVest Inc., CA, USA |
Welsh & Katz, Ltd., IL, USA |
West-Holland Foreign Investment Agency, THE NETHERLANDS |
Western Business College,CA, USA |
WIAS, Weierstrass Institute, GERMANY |
Wiggin and Dana, CT, USA |
Winston Salem, NC, USA |
Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base, OH, USA |