Card Validation Code (CVC)
What is Card Validation Code?
The Card Validation Code (CVC) is a three-digit security code that is printed on
the back of cards. The number appears in reverse italic at the top of the
signature panel at the end (see sample). This program helps validate that a
genuine card is being used during a transaction. All MasterCard cards, both
credit and debit, were required to contain CVC by January 1, 1997; all Visa
cards must contain CVC by January 1, 2001.
How does CVC Work?
Card-not-present merchants are being directed to ask cardholders for CVC when
cardholders place orders. Merchants ask the cardholder to read this code from
the card. The merchant then asks for CVC verification during the authorization
process. The issuer (or processor) validates the CVC and relays the
decline/approve results during the authorization process. Merchants, by using
the CVC results along with the Address Verification Service (AVS) and
authorization responses, can then make more informed decisions about whether to
accept transactions.